
The best of the family holidays. We got together at Marc and Mary Fran's for very little football but lots of good family interaction. And Joe started us off with this Thanksgiving Observance.

A Typical After School

Grandma sits for Joe and Charlie on Wednesays. This is what she sees until their parents come home. Society can't seem to decide whether it's good or bad. What do you think?

I now have the blogging app on my phone. That means easy posting. Gotta love it.

Another Google Advance

Brand new PhotoScan app allows accurate photo print scanning. Does a great job transferring all those prints in drawers and albums to digital format. Here's a very old pic of the Dewey Gravers. I have the print by my desk and can now share with others. Will be working on some of those old prints stored away in boxes. Wish I had the app last week in Chicago. Meg has a wonderful portrait print of our father.

Wedding Fun in Chicago

Adam and Molly hosted an outstanding event, starting with the rehearsal dinner on November 10 followed by the wedding and reception on the 11th and an "afterglow" event at Meg's on the 12th. Buffalo Bayers minus Charlie and Joe were there and will have fond memories for years to come. Those will be helped by the photos in the Photo Albums page on the right.

Think of Marc and Mary Fran today. 14th anniversary.

Off to Chicago!

Adam and Molly are getting married tomorrow! The Buffalo Bayers will be there to help them celebrate. Woo Hoo!